Midwife Services

Peace of Mind and your Health.

Dedicated support before, during, and after your pregnancy, ensuring both mother and baby receive the best possible care.

FREE 30 Min Midwife Consultation

Q&A with Kirsty, our amazing Midwife

    Our midwife provides personalised, compassionate care throughout your pregnancy, offering regular check-ups, health advice, and emotional support to ensure both you and your baby are healthy and prepared for birth.
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    Midwife consultations at all stages of your pregnancy

    6 Weeks
    • From 6 weeks of pregnancy
    • Offers reassurance and peace of mind
    • Discuss the management of early pregnancy symptoms and body changes you can expect
    • Information about antenatal screening options
    • Discussion about diet and nutrition, exercise and self-care in early pregnancy
    • Urinalysis and blood pressure check
    • Optional antenatal profile blood tests (additional cost)
    • Optional Early Reassurance ultrasound scan to confirm pregnancy (additional cost)
    • Optional Early Gender Blood test (additional cost)
    • Discuss current lifestyle factors
    • Check on your general mental and physical well being

    Our private midwife consultation during those early pregnancy stages bridges the gap on the 12 week wait until you receive your NHS booking appointment at 12 weeks. The consultation gives you the opportunity to discuss your pregnancy wellbeing and any concerns you may have. You may be experiencing some early pregnancy symptoms and body changes that are not known to you, such as morning sickness and fatigue; our private midwife can give advice on how to help manage these and advise on medication or natural remedies that are available to you if required.

    During this appointment, we will discuss pregnancy symptoms, diet and nutrition, exercise, antenatal screening in pregnancy and anything else you have questions about. We will also discuss the appointments you should expect and when to schedule them. Our private midwife will perform a blood pressure check and urinalysis. Other blood tests can be performed should they be required, or if you have a medical condition such as thyroid disease at an additional cost. If we feel you may benefit from an additional obstetric ultrasound scan during your appointment we can organise this at a time that suits you (additional fees will apply). You are welcome to bring your partner or friend alongside all of your midwife appointments for support.

    10 Weeks
    • From 10 weeks of pregnancy
    • To discuss and assess your pregnancy wellbeing
    • Optional NIPT blood test offered (additional cost)
    • Optional Dating ultrasound scan (additional cost)
    • Blood pressure check and urinalysis
    • Advice about common complaints and expectations in pregnancy
    • Advice and recommendations to ease symptoms of Pregnancy
    • Reassurance and peace of mind
    • Check on your general mental and physical well being

    As your first trimester is coming to an end, the early pregnancy symptoms you may have experienced should hopefully be easing or have already passed. Our experienced private midwife will discuss your pregnancy well being and be at hand to provide you with help and support on combating those lingering symptoms that may be affecting you and provide you with advice and recommendations on remedies for relief and comfort. The consultation gives you the time to discuss your next trimester and what to expect during the second stages of pregnancy including body changes, pregnancy symptoms such as heartburn and indigestion. We give you the opportunity and time to discuss your pregnancy wellbeing and any concerns you may have.

    Our private midwife will perform a blood pressure check and urinalysis during your appointment. If we feel you may benefit from an additional obstetric ultrasound scan during your appointment we can organise this at a time that suits you (additional fees will apply).

    You are welcome to bring your partner or friend alongside all of your midwife appointments for support.

    16 Weeks
    • From 16 weeks of pregnancy
    • Discuss baby’s movements in pregnancy and what to expect
    • Discussions about your Anomaly scan at 20 weeks
    • Signposting resources for expectant parents and antenatal classes
    • Blood pressure check and urinalysis
    • Fetal doppler heartbeat check
    • Optional Gender & Wellbeing scan (additional cost)
    • Check on general mental health and physical well being

    Our expert midwife will discuss your baby’s movements, when to expect these, what to be aware of and what to do if you have any concerns. This consultation provides the opportunity to ask questions that may have arisen over the previous weeks since your last appointment, whether it be with our midwife or your NHS midwife. We will discuss your 20 week Anomaly scan and what you can expect to happen at this scan so you can enter your appointment prepared and feeling confident. You will listen to your baby’s heartbeat with your midwife who will be using a handheld fetal doppler device. Our private midwife will perform a blood pressure check and urinalysis during your appointment. If we feel you may benefit from an additional obstetric ultrasound scan during your appointment, and would like to know the gender of your baby with our Gender & Wellbeing ultrasound scan, we can organise this at a time that suits you (additional fees will apply). You are welcome to bring your partner or friend alongside all of your midwife appointments for support.

    20 Weeks
    • From 20 weeks of pregnancy
    • Discuss your Anomaly scan and how it went
    • Discuss baby’s movements in pregnancy and what to expect
    • Discussions around birth planning
    • Signposting resources for expectant parents and antenatal classes
    • Blood pressure check and urinalysis
    • Fetal doppler heartbeat check
    • Check on general mental health and physical wellbeing

    At your Private Midwife Consultation from 20 weeks we will review your Anomaly scan appointment and discuss how it went, with signposting if you require further assessments from your care provider.

    We will begin to discuss your birthing preferences, including the birthing options, pain relief and care that is available to you. This consultation provides you with signposting for pregnancy related resources, and begin discussing topics including preparing for birth, what to expect and what your options are. We will
    also provide you a birth planning pack, which we can review together at your Private Midwife Consultation from 28 weeks pregnant.

    Our private midwife will perform a blood pressure check and urinalysis during your appointment. An abdominal palpation will be carried out to assess the size of your uterus and positioning of your baby and your midwife will listen to your baby’s heartbeat using a handheld fetal heartbeat doppler. If we feel you may benefit from an additional obstetric ultrasound scan during your appointment, we can organise this at a time that suits you (additional fees will apply).

    You are welcome to bring your partner or friend alongside all of your midwife appointments for support.

    28 Weeks
    • From 28 weeks of pregnancy
    • Discussion about preparing for labour and birth and signs of labour
    • Discussions about preparing for the third trimester and pregnancy related symptoms that may occur during this stage
    • Blood pressure check and urinalysis
    • Optional blood test to check iron levels (additional cost)
    • Optional Premium 4D & Wellbeing ultrasound scan (additional cost)
    • Fundal height measurement(bump measurement)
    • Abdominal palpation to check the position of baby
    • Fetal heartbeat doppler check
    • To check on general mental health and physical wellbeing

    As you enter the third trimester of your pregnancy, our midwife will discuss what to expect during your
    third trimester and how to manage any pregnancy related symptoms including remedies that you may find helpful such as aromatherapies, reflexology, and acupuncture. We will begin finalising your plans for labour and birth and discuss ways you can prepare for this. We will narrow down which type of birth
    preparation is suitable for you and review your birth plan to ensure you are confident and educated when your little one chooses to make their arrival. We will discuss labour and what to expect, including signs labour is beginning and what you should do when these signs appear, ensuring you are fully informed to
    help you achieve the birth that’s right for you and your baby. We will introduce you to the equipment we have available for you to rent to help you relax during your birth such as our TENS machine, birthing pool and birthing ball. These are subject to availability and it is important these are pre-booked to ensure they are available on your required dates.

    Our private midwife will perform a blood pressure check and urinalysis during your appointment. An abdominal palpation will be carried out to assess the size of your uterus and positioning of your baby and your midwife will listen to your baby’s heartbeat using a handheld fetal heartbeat doppler. If we feel you may benefit from an additional obstetric ultrasound scan during your appointment, including introducing you to our Premium 4D & Wellbeing ultrasound scan, we can organise this at a time that suits you (additional fees will apply).

    You are welcome to bring your partner or friend alongside all of your midwife appointments for support

    34 Weeks
    • From 34 weeks of pregnancy
    • Advice on what to pack in your hospital bag and introduce you to our birthing pack (additional cost)
    • Blood pressure check and urinalysis
    • Fundal height measurement (bump measurement)
    • Abdominal palpation to check the position of baby
    • Fetal heart doppler check
    • Discussions on breastfeeding and bottle feeding
    • Discussions on colostrum harvesting (colostrum kit available at additional costs)
    • Check on general mental health and physical wellbeing

    As the final weeks of your pregnancy near we aim to provide you with as much information as possible to allow you to make informed choices to ensure your birth, and postnatal period go as smoothly as possible. We will introduce you to our premium birthing pack and discuss what you should have available
    in your hospital bag/home birthing kit.

    We will help you choose which feeding methods you are going to use, including unbiased, supporting information for those choosing to breastfeed or bottle feed ensuring you are confident in the method you chose to use and know what to expect and how to do so safely. This will include discussions surrounding colostrum harvesting and introducing you to our colostrum kit which is available to you at an additional cost.

    Our private midwife will perform a blood pressure check and urinalysis during your appointment. An abdominal palpation will be carried out to assess the size of your uterus and positioning of your baby and your midwife will listen to your baby’s heartbeat using a handheld fetal heartbeat doppler. If we feel you may benefit from an additional obstetric ultrasound scan during your appointment, such as our Bonding & Wellbeing ultrasound scan, we can organise this at a time that suits you (additional fees will apply).

    You are welcome to bring your partner or friend alongside all of your midwife appointments for support.

    38 Weeks
    • From 38 weeks of pregnancy
    • Blood pressure check and urinalysis
    • Fundal height measurement (bump measurement)
    • Abdominal palpation to check the position of baby
    • Fetal heart doppler check
    • Optional Presentation & Wellbeing scan to ensure baby is well positioned for birth (additional cost)
    • Discussions surrounding overdue pregnancy and your options
    • Information provided on skin to skin, delayed cord clamping and vitamin K and oxytocin injections
    • Discussions on caring for your new baby and yourself in the postpartum period

    As your due date draws closer, our Private Midwife Consultation from 38 weeks of pregnancy offers you the opportunity to ask lots of last-minute questions you may have on what to expect from the birth and the first few weeks with your new baby. Our midwife can share their knowledge about overdue pregnancies
    and help you make informed choices on the options available to you and information on the postpartum period, including immediately after labour and what you can expect to happen. This includes delayed cord clamping, Vitamin K injections for baby and Oxytocin injection for you as well as aftercare for yourself in the postpartum period if you require stitches, have a Caesarean section OR haemorrhoids. It is important to look after yourself after birth and we will help ensure you are informed and prepared for what’s to come.

    Our private midwife will perform a blood pressure check and urinalysis during your appointment. An abdominal palpation will be carried out to assess the size of your uterus and positioning of your baby and your midwife will listen to your baby’s heartbeat using a handheld fetal heartbeat doppler. If we feel you may benefit from an additional obstetric ultrasound scan during your appointment, such as our Presentation & Wellbeing ultrasound scan, we can organise this at a time that suits you (additional fees
    will apply).

    You are welcome to bring your partner or friend alongside all of your midwife appointments for support.

    After your baby’s arrival, our postnatal services include post-partum health examinations for both mum and baby, newborn care guidance, and breastfeeding support to help you adjust and recover during those important first weeks of motherhood.

    Postnatal Midwife

    Our Postnatal Midwife Consultation has been created with your health and baby’s wellbeing in mind. We understand that this can be both an exciting and anxious time for you, and so we aim to provide you with expert care and time that you may not receive during your NHS care.
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    Breastfeeding Support Consultation

    Our dedicated Breastfeeding Support consultation aims to inform, educate, and support families in feeding and nurturing babies and young children. We also want to support the mental and physical wellbeing of breastfeeding mothers and babies throughout their journey.
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    Birth Review

    Every pregnancy, labour, birth and postnatal journey is different. No single experience is the same for women and their families and it is important to review and discuss your experience, particularly if you are feeling distressed or confused.
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    Get support for your whole motherhood journey with one of our fantastic packages. Select from below to find out more

    Our Midwife Packages

    Midwife Lite Package
    • 1st Trimester Midwife Appointment
    • 2nd Trimester Midwife Appointment
    • 3rd Trimester Midwife Appointment (x2)
    • PostNatal Midwife Consultation
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    Midwife Plus Package
    • 1st Trimester Midwife Appointment
    • 2nd Trimester Midwife Appointment
    • 3rd Trimester Midwife Appointment (x2)
    • Early Reassurance Scan
    • Premium 4D Bonding & Wellbeing Scan
    • PostNatal Midwife Consultation
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    Midwife Ultimate Package
    • 1st Trimester Midwife Appointment
    • 2nd Trimester Midwife Appointment
    • 3rd Trimester Midwife Appointment (x2)
    • Early Reassurance Scan
    • Dating & Wellbeing Scan
    • Gender & Wellbeing Scan
    • Premium 4D Bonding & Wellbeing Scan
    • Presentation & Wellbeing Scan
    • PostNatal Midwife Consultation
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Peace of mind during and after pregnancy

Why use a private midwife service?

  • Personalised, Consistent Care

  • Flexible and Tailored Support

  • More Time During Appointments

  • Emotional and Mental Support

  • Postnatal Care and Recovery

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